Jul 6, 2013

I'm SO excited that I'm officially...

launching my blog TODAY!  Congratulations, me! As you'll all soon find out, I paint very sassy mermaids... and have written a memoir concerning my obsession with these delicious creatures. So won't you join me
on my saga?
Working on finalizing my book right now, that will be out SOON, and am still painting gorgeous mermaids.
One of the reasons I've written this memoir, is because it also describes the multiple PARANORMAL episodes that have woven their way throughout my life experiences. .

And just to "wet your whistle", here's a sample of one of my lovelies... who, by the way, are painted with acrylic and the standard size for the originals is 24" x 30". You'll notice that they have a distinctly Hawaiian flare.  Here's an eye full!


  1. Yay!...wow..there it was a brand new background...I've been looking at the other for so long, as I have you posted on my top sites, so whenever I open my page I see yours too..every day..and boom! there it was...a new background..so I see you finally figured out how to do this...yay for you, now I can let you swim on your own! Congrats!! oh, and did you notice..I'm your number one follower..ha...love you!!

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  3. Hey, cutie! Actually, I had help from some very kind folks here at my favorite internet cafe, "Grounded Cafe". I'm learning little by little, and with finishing the book and all, my head is SWIMMING. I need to order your book, or buy it directly from you or something... but I must read immediately.

    What I want throw out there is the subject of PARANORMAL activity. I REALLY WANT TO HEAR ABOUT OTHER'S EXPERIENCES. Don't be scared, no one around these parts will think you're crazy. The most frightening thing about this subject for most people is that if they've had one (or more) episodes, is the fear of letting anyone know for fear of ridicule. GET OVER IT. LET'S DISCUSS!!!

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  5. "I also want to hear about horrible experiences with CATHOLIC TEACHING NUNS IN THE 1950's... I've got some hair-raising anecdotes in my memoir about that touchy subject, that I'll share as we progress. After the abuse, we learn to laugh to survive. Look at celebrities like Joan Rivers. She managed to turn pain into power."

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All comments are appreciated and usually enjoyed..lol...thx, uncle patrick